The eve

Dear all, I am sorry for being extremely lazy and having spent a week in waking up at 11am after falling asleep into the couch for excessive walking after I passed the last two exams of my master degree. I was enormously stressed as I made the mistake that most students of political science do:…

The strings of World Order. Today’s caveats and hopes

I feel very negative vibes in the air and another world war approaching depending on three major events. Strangely people are allowed to express their opinion in two of them, but I am aware of the fact that the two countries I’m going to talk about are not like the United Kingdom – which country…

Indipendenza e forza: Israele

Buonasera a tutti, sono di ritorno da una bellissima settimana in Israele… Ho festeggiato la festa della memoria dei soldati e quella di indipendenza di questo fiero e difensivamente forte (non userei infatti più l’aggettivo aggressivo) Stato.  Tengo ancora a esprimere la mia simpatia nei confronti di una terra in cui Stato e religione sono…

Le pari de l’été

Blaise Pascal, mathematician and philosopher, suggested to bet on the existence of God because the possibility of an eternal life in heaven would have been a much bigger gain than the simple loss of time worshipping something that doesn’t exist over lifetime. My bet was similar: the maximum on the Goddess within me – it’s…